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Core Deliverables

Robust, User-Friendly System

Mainline’s investment in industry leading software gives us a unique advantage.

Application of advanced analytic solutions to help achieve superior review efficiency, effectiveness, and consistency
Maximum power, speed, and predictable performance using a secure, web-based review platform
Creation of fully searchable databases of all extracted files for review, either natively or with associated PDF/tiff images
Safely process electronic data such as emails, word processing documents, spreadsheets, and most other files without altering key metadata

Efficient and Secure

Gather large collections of data in a non-disruptive, forensically sound manner
Leading review platform includes an intuitive interface, with full-text searching, sorting, tagging, and more, that can be reviewed simultaneously team member
Secure user platform and logins, with real-time user and review logs for tracking
Creation of bates stamped production sets of documents and electronic presentation of trial and arbitration exhibits using Trial Director or PowerPoint

Dedicated Service and Support Team

Mainline’s management of the e-discovery process delivers superior organization, standardization of operations, increased insight for project managers, reduction of errors, and predictability in balancing costs and revenue. Everyone on Mainline’s e-discovery team is highly adaptable and focused on the work they do.

The Mainline team provides:

Clarity, speed and efficiency to meet the precise needs of each case, from the simplest data collection to the most complex document reviews
Exceptional technical support dedicated to helping solve the most difficult data challenges at no additional cost to clients
Experienced troubleshooters, adept at creating and implementing effective solutions for any potential ESI issue that may arise
Superior organization, standardization of operations, reduction of errors, and predictability in balancing costs

And, with all aspects of the e-discovery process completely managed and executed in-house, ensuring maximum control over deadlines and production results.

Should a complication ever arise at any stage throughout the process, Mainline’s e-discovery project managers are experienced troubleshooters, adept at creating and implementing effective solutions for any potential issue.

Project Managers

- Our project managers have specialized training and certifications using numerous e-discovery software and review platforms

Predictable Pricing

Our fees are transparent and agreed upon upfront. Our fee structure includes:

A fixed flat-rate per GB to load data
A monthly per GB hosting fee
A fixed monthly fee per user
A fixed fixed-rate per GB for raw data processing (if applicable)

That's it!

We don’t charge hourly support fees, additional maintenance fees or any other hidden fees