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Cutting-Edge Technology

Ever expanding data volumes and diverse data sources mean today’s e-discovery process requires maximum power, speed, and predictable performance to produce repeatable success. Mainline utilizes software that provides the most effective industry solution for:

  • indexing
  • extracting
  • searching
  • analyzing client data

Utilizing industry leading technology, Mainline’s e-discovery team is able to to securely deliver repeatable, defensible, and efficient e-discovery results to build reliable and secure knowledge databases. Mainline uses a proprietary processing engine that is able to quickly sort through large and complex data sets at high speed across more than 1,000 file types and data formats, ensuring even the most time-sensitive deadlines can be met.

Mainline systems deliver end-to-end secure, efficient e-discovery review and automation capabilities without compromise.

Mainline provides a secure, web-based review platform, accessible anywhere there is an internet connection, making it readily available for attorneys, co-counsel, clients and experts to conduct their review no matter where they are located – Mainline can get most litigation teams up and running smoothly within just a few hours.

Features Available for Use on Every Matter:

  • Visual Early Case Assessment
  • Visual Predictive Coding
  • Data Mining
  • OLAP Cubes
  • Visual Timelines
  • Boolean Searching
  • Keyword & Search term analysis
  • Search Term Families / Hit
  • Concept Clustering & Searching
  • E-mail threading
  • Advanced Culling
  • Custodial data analysis
  • Trial and Deposition preparation
  • Over 1,000 file types and data formats

Industry Leading Platform

Mainline’s systems provide cutting edge features while streamlining the review process, at no additional cost to the client

Mainline Advantages

Cubes for Analysis and Finding Deficiencies
  • Missing custodians
  • Missing search term results
  • Date range gaps
  • View key words by custodian and date
  • Analyze Document Types produced
Social Network Analytics
  • Easily view emails sent and received
  • Quickly analyze “who is talking to who”
  • Visual patterns of communication
People and Organizations
  • Examine email volume by address
  • Determine other key players
  • Verify personal email use
  • Interactive for easy review
Emails Between Organizations and Individuals
  • Analyze the number and direction of emails between organizations and individuals
  • Interactive visuals to quickly review emails between two organizations or individuals
Document Mapper
  • Documents with similar concepts are grouped together with similar cluster groups
  • View relationships between documents and concepts
  • Visually QC document coding
  • Easily identify prominent concepts in search results
Timeline to Identify Date Range Gaps
  • Visualize documents, coding, and search terms over time
  • Identify selected documents over time
  • View dates and time ranges for concepts and document clusters in the Map
  • Focus on specific time periods
  • Select documents by separate time dates or by a date range
Concept Cloud
  • Displays the most prominent concepts for search results or social networks to quickly view the concepts people are talking about
  • Fully interactive to view all documents containing select concepts