Streamlined ESI Process
Electronically Stored Information
Mainline develops end-to-end solutions to handle all of your electronic discovery and information storage needs, from advising on regulatory compliance to ensuring data security, managing all data-intensive tasks to:
IDENTIFYpotentially relevant ESI and determine scope, breadth, depth of available data
COLLECTrelevant ESI by legal, defensible processes
PRESERVEand protect ESI from spoliation
PROCESSand prepare ESI for Review and Analysis
REVIEWand evaluate for relevance, attorney/client privilege etc.
ANALYZEESI for content and context prior to production
PRODUCErelevant ESI in appropriate formats for use as potential evidence
PRESENTESI as evidence at hearings, mediations, depositions and trials
Mainline eDiscovery Solutions mitigates costs and risks, expedites delivery, and securely archives all data through every stage of the ESI process.
Mainline eDiscovery Solutions
World-class technology, control of the entire process, and keeping costs to a minimum are critical components that define Mainline eDiscovery Solutions